A RESOLVE OF DEVELOPED INDIA Change Trust Managing Director R. Saraswathi discussed with the youth about A resolve of developed India. she presented the idea to the students that by 2047, India would become a Developed Country. REMOVING ANY TRACE OF THE COLONIAL MINDSET Founder of change trust Mr. A. Palanivelsamy spoke about Removing any trace of the colonial mindset. he commented to the youth that our country is going bad because of following foreign cultures, he said that we should stop them and protect our cultural traditions. TAKING PRIDE IN OUR LEGACY VSIT Executive Director Mrs. P. Mythili discussed with the youth about Taking pride in our legacy. He said that our traditional arts should be further developed to save the tradition in the changing Indian tradition, OUR STRENGTH OF UNITY Yazh Youth Council President Mr. Vignesh Discussed Our strength of unity India and the need for social justice. He said that India is a secular country and all the people living in this country are equal and no one is inferior, Liberty, Fraternity, Equality said that social justice can be won through. FULLFILLING THE DUTIES OF CITIZENS WITH HONESTY Yazh Youth Council President Mr. Iyappan Discussed Fulfilling the duties of citizens with honesty, He addressed the youth that the duties of a citizen are to elect a good leader for the country or to become a leader.